Microneedling Helps These Three Skin Conditions

Microneedling Greenwood Village CO is a highly sought-after skin treatment because it produces amazing results. The procedure, also known as collagen induction therapy, involves using a number of minuscule needles to pierce the skin’s top layer. This induces the body to manufacture collagen, allowing the skin to heal itself with a fresh, healthy layer.
While there are a host of dermatological issues that the procedure helps, there are three skin conditions that consistently show improvement when microneedling is applied.
Acne-Scarred Skin
Acne is the most common skin condition and affects plenty of people. In fact, in the U.S. alone, acne affects more than 50 million people. However, studies show that microneedling vastly improves scarring caused by acne. In a sampling of 27 patients, half of the patients ended up with smoother skin and significantly reduced scars.
Wrinkled and Hormonal Skin
As people age, the skin develops wrinkles. It’s just a matter of fact and a natural process that almost everyone experiences. Microneedling can help tighten skin and reverse the effects of wrinkles. While the procedure cannot stop the aging process, the results can last for a while. The skin typically produces collagen over the course of three to six months after the initial treatment.
Hormonal changes are also a common cause of skin changes, particularly for women. One condition, melasma, often affects women that are pregnant. While it can impact anyone, only 10 percent of men develop the condition.
One study had 22 participants with melasma undergo microneedling procedures. All of the patients saw improvement with their skin and were pleased with the results.
Sun-Damaged Skin
Sun damage, also known as photoaging, is also common – and potentially very dangerous. Every day, more than 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the U.S. So, protecting the skin is vital for avoiding sun damage that can lead to a fatal condition.
However, it is almost impossible to avoid sun exposure. While many take great precautions to apply sunscreen to minimize sun damage, it is not a perfect process. When skin is damaged by being overexposed to the sun’s UV rays, preemptive steps can be taken to minimize those harmful effects. One of the most successful treatments is microneedling.
As the procedure targets are that have been overexposed to the sun while signaling the body to produce collagen, microneedling achieves a two-fold purpose: removing sun damage and creating healthier, new skin.
Microneedling also helps with a host of other skin disorders, often with extremely positive results. It’s minimally invasive, can be done in an office, and takes a very short amount of time to complete. It’s a win-win cosmetic procedure that helps alleviate stress and restores confidence, while actually improving the skin.