5 Signs You Should See An Anxiety Therapist

Feeling anxious is a common and natural thing – especially when in the face of something unfamiliar, stressful, or potentially dangerous. Most people feel some level of anxiety several times throughout a week, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is when anxiety is interfering with your life. If any of the following are true for you, it’s time to see an anxiety therapist Denver-based.
You’re Having Difficulty Sleeping
Most people have a hard time falling asleep if they have a big job interview, a dentist appointment, or something similar coming up. This is a normal reaction. However, if you have trouble sleeping due to a racing mind or anxious feelings often, you should seek help as you likely have an anxiety disorder.
Your Performance is Suffering
Anxiety can impact your performance at school, work, and even at home. It makes it difficult to focus, to keep your emotions in check, and to put any pep in your step. Unfortunately, without addressing the anxiety, you could lose your job, relationships, or fail your classes. As none of these is a particularly good result, it’s imperative to get help once you notice that your performance is declining.
You Have Unexplained Weight Changes
Being anxious all of the time can cause you to overeat or to completely lose your appetite, leading you to gain or lose weight quickly and without any effort. You might want to lose or put on a few pounds, but it’s important not to discount these changes.
You’re Diving Into Unhealthy Habits
Most people don’t start bad habits because those habits are fun. It’s usually because those habits help numb thoughts and emotions. If you find yourself smoking, drinking, or eating more than usual, or you prefer to sleep all day as opposed to facing your life, you’re probably dealing with anxiety, depression, or a combination of the two.
Your Physical Health is Declining
An unfortunate number of medical issues actually stem from emotional and mental issues. Anxiety can cause headaches, stomach problems, chronic fatigue, fast heartbeat, muscle tension, loss of libido, breathing trouble, blood pressure issues, and more.
If you’re dealing with physical problems, you should see your medical doctor to ensure that it’s not due to a physical problem. If they cannot pinpoint a cause, you should see a therapist for anxiety treatment as soon as possible.
Anxiety can be a debilitating condition, but you don’t have to let it control your life. Through treatment, you can manage your anxiety symptoms effectively and live a happier, healthy life.